hello!today was a not very good because of certain things like:
-mother tongue presentation.
the good thing is that mother tongue presentation was over!YAY so i'm not gonna give a crap about it anymore.chemistry test was just plain unlucky coz i memorised the wrong things...SAD.dnt was just a frigging waste of time even though i'm the rep.gah who cares.vincent is just emo today.dunno why he don't want talk to me.so if he carries on to be like that i heck care him...i have no wish to be friends of someone so frigging petty like lnn.
the good news is that there are no more tests for the week except malay.speaking of which i think it is a huge waste of time and that we should not have it.why?coz practically no one listens to the teacher.since we don't like malay why force us to learn it?
and i don't plan on studying for the test.just gonna relax and enjoy my day today.
final note:to those who don't know,i'm telling you that i have a heart-shaped blister on my right palm.XD
how often do you get that?
Posted by
Xiang Hao