Today was quite eventful... Went to Changi Airport T3 by MRT with my sister.
For fun and to see how does it look like. :D
And it was a HUGE place, with lots of gift shops and chocolate stores.
Actually we went there because my sister never sat on a plane before and I decided to bring her around and stuff like that... :)
There was this slide thing too which was lame. For the small one.
The big one was like 3 floors high but need to spend $20 in a single receipt in order to ride it.
But quite a convenient way to go from B1 to B2. Or from 1 to B2. o.o
My sister nearly cried at the thought of leaving my father and I. T.T
Next we headed to my mother's office at Plaza Singapura where we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Suckish movie and it was a waste of money.
Unless you have read the book and understand whatever they are crapping about. o.o
After dinner me, my mother and sister went to take a look at NEX, which is a new mall that just opened in Serangoon.
It's like a Vivocity located in Serangoon.
There is a k-box store, courts, cinema, library, arcade, and loads of food stalls... :O
Next time I shall go there to get my stuff since it is so frigging huge.
Plus they today have a mall wide 50% off for all items.
However not all the stores are opened yet...zzz
But still it was quite a workout to walk through all the levels in the mall. :)
Tomorrow my sister's going to have her jab and I shall stop here before my hands need to be sawed off due to frostbite.
Yup I'm typing right under an air-conditioned room.